Go to Market Positioning



Do you have a product market fit issue?

Does it take more than three sentences to describe who you are, why you matter, and what you do?

Does every employee have their own, unique elevator story?

Does your messaging sound exactly like your competitors’?

Is your product considered a nice to have instead of a need to have?

Is your leadership team misaligned on your product vision or BHAG?

Does every sales rep use a different pitch deck?

Does your marketing material reflect your brand and business strategies, or do your marketing efforts feel random?

Positioning challenges present themselves in many ways.

We’re here to resolve those issues and help you win in the market.

Positioning is more than a marketing effort. It is the epicenter of great business strategy and alignment. At cunningham collective, we help innovative leaders identify and articulate the crucial components of their business identity and their position of maximum opportunity in the market.

Our Go To Market Positioning Framework reflects decades of experience positioning Silicon Valley’s most interesting products and companies. The three-phase framework involves market research and interviews, three workshops, and narrative development. Throughout the workshopping process, we promise many “aha!” moments, strategy and message development, and leadership alignment.

This work is transformational. Let’s talk about what we can do for you.


The Framework:

  • We examine your Core Identity, including your DNA, Purpose, Vision, Mission, Product Vision and BHAG to ensure all positioning and messaging efforts align with and support your business strategy.

  • We study your Category to determine if you should lead in an existing category, develop a sub-category, or create a new category altogether.

  • We explore your Community to understand your customers and prospects and who influences them.

  • We do a deep dive into your Competition to reveal their positions and to identify a white space for you in the competitive landscape.

  • We take Context into consideration to uncover global and industry trends we can leverage.

  • Together, we develop a list of Criteria for the perfect positioning statement. 


The deliverable

The Message Architecture is an expression of your business identity and a blueprint for market success. It’s not just a marketing document, but a filter through which you make business decisions such as who to hire, the type of companies to acquire, where to allocate resources, and the activities that no longer serve your strategy and should be stopped. Together we discuss, discover, and write each element of your Message Architecture, leaving you with a cohesive brand story, multiple points of differentiation, and a clear, concise way to talk about who you are and why you matter.